Category: Livestock

Brucellosis in pigs is not a very common swine disease, yet, it’s important to understand how pigs get Brucellosis, how you can know if your pig has brucellosis, and the prevention and control methods.   Causes of Brucellosis in Pigs Read more…

Care and management of pregnant sow are very essential in order to prevent most pig farrowing problems. Feeding sows before and after farrowing with healthy food is usually encouraged. Feed lactating sow well so she can produce enough milk for Read more…

What is Dehorning? Dehorning is the prevention of the growth of horns or the total removal of horns from cattle, goats, and other animals having horns on their heads. Similarly, disbudding is a related term that simply means the removal Read more…

Pigs are not ruminants and so are not capable of dealing efficiently with coarse foods. However, you can feed pigs cheaply with roughages if you add roughages to your pig feeding program. Foods for pigs usually consist of ground cereals Read more…

Bacterial and parasitic infections are common in piggery. Diarrhea is usually a common symptom of most of pig diseases, however diarrhea caused by the bacterium Escherichia coli is the most common cause of death in piglets. It usually causes illness Read more…

In pig production, care must be taken in preventing disease outbreaks. There are quite a several bacterial and fungal diseases affecting pigs. One of the bacterial diseases in swine is Malignant Oedema, its scientific name is Gangrenous Septicaemia Braxy. Causes Read more…

Worms are often found in pigs. It is even one of the reasons people who don’t like eating pork run away from it, after religious belief, fats, and cleaning issues. To pig farmers, we all know piggery is a capital Read more…

Pig is one of the cleanest animals in nature because they don’t like eating in a dirty environment or excrete close to where they eat and stay. Raising pigs for a commercial purpose is capital expensive, and profitable at the Read more…

To make your pigs grow healthy and faster, carbs and protein are not the only feed ingredients responsible for weight gain. Vitamin and Minerals also help in the absorption and utilization of the feed nutrients so the pigs can have Read more…

Erysipelas or diamond disease is an infectious disease that affects pigs, mini pigs, mostly adult pigs. Erysipelas is not the same as Cellulitis but shares similar symptoms. However, Erysipelas is also referred to as St. Anthony’s fire. The zoonotic disease Read more…