Malignant Oedema Treatment in Pigs

In pig production, care must be taken in preventing disease outbreaks.

There are quite a several bacterial and fungal diseases affecting pigs.

One of the bacterial diseases in swine is Malignant Oedema, its scientific name is Gangrenous Septicaemia Braxy.

Treatment of Malignant Oedema in swine

Causes of Malignant Oedema

Malignant Oedema disease is caused by Clostridium septicum, a type of bacterium that multiplies only in the absence of oxygen.

The bacterium is common in rich humus soils, therefore, you can minimize the chance of pigs being affected by it if the house floor is cemented and hygiene is maintained.

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Clostridium septicum forms spores during unfavorable conditions to be resistant and the spore can only be killed at a temperature above 30°C.

Pigs are usually Infected during the birth process, fighting, castration, etc.

An infection could also be through the mouth, which is restricted to the digestive canal.


Symptoms of Malignant Oedema in Pigs

The symptoms of Malignant Oedema in pigs are the following

  • Fever
  • Loss of appetite
  • General weakness of the body
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If the infection is through the wound, an ill-defined swelling will occur.

This swelling may spread under the skin and affect the whole of one side of the body and spread later to the neck region.

When the swelling is cut, the liquid that escapes gives a rancid odor.

If the infection is through the birth process, vaginal lips will be swollen, followed by the discharge of the greyish mucous membrane.

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Fever and diarrhea will set in later.


Treatment of Malignant Oedema in Pigs

The Treatment of Malignant Oedema is only possible if care is taken immediately after the symptoms are noticed.

You can easily manage the condition at the early stage of infection, otherwise, it leads to death.

The use of broad-spectrum antibiotics such as penicillin and oxytetracycline are recommended for both treatment and control.