Dog Cookie Recipe for Wheat, Meat and Pumpkin Biscuits
Going to a pet food store near you to buy dog biscuits for your canine is what you do regularly, however, preparing a nice treat while your dog is with you; salivating, licking, and drooling is much fun. Making your Read more…

Dachshund Dog Behavior, Breeding and Care
The Dachshund is a small dog breed and an ideal dog for people looking for a small dog pets. It can be maintained easily as the average weight of the Dachshund will be less than 35 pounds. Since this dog Read more…

How Pets can help the Health of Seniors and Retirees
Dogs and cats are the most popular pets in the world that make people happy and live healthier. For senior citizens and retirees who are always found living alone, they should have companion animals. Owning a dog, for example, may Read more…

Hemp Seed Oil & Treats for Pets – Uses and Benefits
Centuries ago, Cannabis was grown as a crop, but today, it has deviated. The hemp (Cannabis Indica or Indian hemp mostly) is used for the production of hashish, and its cultivation (as marijuana) is now less criticized because of the Read more…

Exploring the Reasons Behind Your Dog’s Grass-Eating Habits
If you have a dog as a pet, you’ve likely observed your canine companion occasionally munching on grass. It’s a common behavior that often leaves pet parents wondering why dogs do it. Is it just a quirky habit, or is Read more…

How to know when to Harvest Watermelon
Although watermelon is native of tropical and subtropical Africa, it’s grown and popular everywhere. It grows best on fertile sandy soil, particularly on sandy river banks. It also grows well in hot dry areas with an abundance of sunshine. It Read more…

Smooth Loofah (Luffa) Usage and Benefits
What is Smooth loofah or Vegetable Sponge Gourd? Smooth loofah (Luffa aegyptiaca or L. cylindrical) is a vegetable that belongs to the cucumber family. loofah (genus Luffa) is commonly known as rag gourd, dishcloth gourd, rag gourd, or vegetable sponge. Read more…

MILLET (Pennisetum typhoides Burn .f.)
There are many species of millet but the most important is Pennisetum typhoides which is known as Bulrush or Pearl millet. Among cereals, it is the crop of the driest region. It is very drought resistant and gives reasonable yields in Read more…

MAIZE (Sea mays L.) Family: Poaceae
Maize is also known as ‘Indian corn’ or simply ‘corn’. It is perhaps the most completely domesticated of all arable crops. It is widely grown because it can adapt to different ecological conditions. In some parts of Africa, especially, Nigeria, Read more…

Disadvantages of Asexual Reproduction in Plants
Vegetative Propagation or Asexual reproduction Most non-flowering plants reproduce asexually without any transfer of the male gamete to the female gamete. Plant reproduce asexually by childing, offshoot, tuber, lowering, and stelons. Asexual reproduction can also be referred to as vegetative Read more…

FarmCenta Agro Investment Platform in Nigeria – CEO Digest
Farming provides huge investment opportunities because of the broad value chain but it seems the sector is not well developed in Africa. With technology and internet, and young entrepreneurs replacing our old farmers and bringing innovations into agriculture in Nigeria, Read more…

Common Internal and External Parasites in Pigs
Parasites in Pigs Pigs are susceptible to parasitic infections, and when care is not taken, both internal and external swine parasites can negatively impact their health and the farmer’s productivity. Here are the common ecto and endo parasites in pigs, Read more…

How to Use Burdock Roots for Horses
Some herbs are good for horses’ health. They are usually processed to add to horses’ food or oil is extracted from them to add to their body. Common healthy herbs for horses are Meadowsweet, Comfrey, Garlic, Dandelion, and Burdock. Read more…

Steps to Keep your Farm Inventories Easily
Keeping track of your farm inventories is essential for efficient farm management. To maximize your time, and increase productivity, you can keep your farm records on computer programs, while you use Smart Labels stickers to track your stored items on Read more…

Horse Guard Trifecta 4-in1 Equine Vitamin & Mineral Supplement
Horse Guard Horse Supplements Horse Guard is a company that produces a range of horse accessories and supplements. It has supplements to improve digestion and weight gain in horses such as Equine Gut Guard, Super Weight Gain, horse hoof and Read more…