Symptoms of Dead Kitten Inside Cat and What to do

Dead Kitten Inside Cat

As a cat parent, your feline friend deserves much care during her pregnancy, and one of your concerns should be your cat having a safe delivery of live kittens.

Sometimes, when your cats give birth to a less-expected number of kitten, and still look pregnant, it may be that she had dead kitten(s) in her womb and she could not deliver herself.

Unfortunately, knowing if your pregnant cat is carrying a dead kitten can be difficult and should ideally be assessed by your cat doctor.

In this blog, we’ll discuss how you can tell if your cat still has kitten(s) inside her, the symptoms to watch out for, and what to do to keep your cat safe.


Symptoms of Dead Kitten Inside Mother Cat

To prevent the disappointment of having your cat give birth to dead kittens, usually caused by mummification, here are some signs that may indicate your cat has a dead kitten inside her

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Loss of appetite

If your cat is no more showing interest in her fave treats, it may be that his babies are not healthy like before, 1 or more kittens are not breathing again, and possible discomfort in the belly.

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Low appetite is one of the common symptoms of a dead kitten inside a mother cat. Your cat does not have a baby to feed again.


No fetal movement

If you get close to your cat, and observe the abdomen for some minutes a few times daily, you can notice the fetal movement on the occasion.

Fetal movement is more noticeable in the later stages of her pregnancy. If you notice a sudden absence of fetal movement, it could indicate a problem.


More sleeping time

An increase in sleeping time could be her way of coping with the loss. You should watch out for other symptoms since this is not reliable. Having longer rest could mean your cat is coping with the stress of the pregnancy.



A restless mother cat may be searching for her lost kitten, moving around constantly, or acting agitated.


Increased thirst

Constantly drinking water could be a sign that the mother cat is looking for her lost kitten.


Loss of interest in toys

If the mother cat loses interest in playing with her toys, she may be distracted by her loss.


Lack of Growth in the pregnancy

If the pregnant cat’s abdomen stops growing or appears to shrink, it could be a sign that the kittens are not developing as they should.

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Loss of pregnancy symptoms

If the cat’s pregnancy symptoms, such as increased appetite, nesting behavior, and nipple enlargement, suddenly disappear, it could be a sign of a dead kitten inside the cat.


Vaginal discharge

Another sign of a dead kitten inside the cat’s belly is unusual vaginal discharge or foul-smelling.


Lethargy or Illness

If the pregnant cat becomes lethargic, shows signs of illness, or is in distress, it may be related to complications in the pregnancy.


Changes in behavior

Changes in behavior such as moving things around the house might indicate the mother cat is looking for her lost kitten.

A pregnant cat that suddenly starts cuddling with her other cats may be trying to show love and comfort.

Also, increased aggression or withdrawal from people could be a sign of loss of pregnancy in cats.


Visible kitten through the abdominal wall

In some cases, you may be able to see or feel a lump or kitten through the cat’s abdominal wall. This could indicate a problem if the kitten is not moving.


Prolonged Pregnancy

If the cat goes significantly past her expected due date without giving birth, it could be a sign of a dead kitten.

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Reduced grooming

A mother cat may groom less if she is trying to hide her loss.


What to do if your pregnant cat is carrying a dead kitten?

Knowing the signs of a dead kitten inside your cat is important to cater to her well-being and the health of any remaining kittens.

If you observe any of the above-mentioned symptoms, don’t hesitate to consult your vet for assistance.

Providing the right care and support can help your cat cope with the loss and recover successfully.

A cat doctor can perform ultrasound or X-ray to assess the kittens’ health, and offer proper treatment.

If you have not yet spayed your cat and are not prepared to care for potential health complications during pregnancy and birthing, it’s a good idea to talk to your vet about the benefits of spaying to prevent unwanted litters and potential health risks to the cat.



If you suspect your pregnant cat may be carrying a dead kitten, you should seek veterinary assistance immediately to ensure the health and safety of the mother and any viable kittens.