How to Get Rid of Ground Moles in your Yard Naturally

Getting Rid of Moles

If your yard is rich in soil microbes like earthworms and grubs, and insects, ground moles can suddenly appear in your yard because they feed on these small animals.

Ground moles are common in the garden in the spring when farming activities start, the soil is loose and easy for them to burrow with their small fingers.

Moles can go away or hibernate in the winter every year and resurface in the next spring season.

When ground moles invade your lawn, they may be difficult to control as they may dig down in summer and winter to find foods, thereby destroy your crops and mess your garden.


How to Get Rid of Ground Moles in your Garden?

You may be tempted to flatten mole hills but that’s just a waste of time.

There are several methods farmers use to kill moles or get rid of them from their gardens.


Fumigating your yard

You can get rid of ground moles in your yard fast by fumigating your garden.

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Powerful fumigants can kill moles in their tunnels in spring and fall when they are not far from the top soil.


Using Repellants

There are natural repellents like castor oil, apple cider vinegar, garlic and others you can use to deter ground moles.


Using predator urine

Predator urine, such as that of a fox or coyote can be sprayed around your yard scare ground moles away.


These methods can help to get rid of ground moles without harming your pets but are not sure-fire ways to get rid of moles in large numbers. Also, they are not the easiest and fastest ways.


How to get rid of ground moles permanently

How to Get Rid of Ground Moles in your Yard naturally?

Stomp and Kill them in their Tunnels

You can flood each tunnel in the morning or evening with 20 litters of warm water to force them out, and you kill them.

You can also stomp their tunnels after their activities in the morning and watch in the evening when they try to clear their tunnels and strike them with spade or shovel.

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Plant natural Repellents in your Grden

Plants such as marigolds, caper spurge, daffodils, castor bean plant, fritillarias, and alliums should be planted in your garden to repel ground moles.

This is helpful as a preventive measure, and to deter few numbers, not when they’ve invaded your farm.


Set traps and Kill Moles

Another sure-fire ways to deter ground moles in your garden is trapping.

You can purchase any rodent trap that either traps ground mole alive or kill it.

Buy as many traps as possible, bait them earthworms or mealworms and set it near an active mole tunnel to get rid of them permanently.


Invite Moles predators

Your pet cats and dogs can prey on ground moles. Ground mole natural predators such as weasels, foxes, raccoons, coyotes, skunks, and pine martens can also hunt down moles and kill them.


Install Barriers

You can dig trench around your garden. Make sure it’s deep and wide and cover it with stones to discourage them from digging through to your garden.

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Destroy their Foods

If you destroy or reduce their foods such as grubs and earthworms on your moist soil or insects on your dry soil, you can deter ground moles as they usually come to source for food.

You should also remove any dead plant material, and insect-infested plant material from your yard.


Snow coverage in the winter

Ground moles are less active in the winter due to the snow cover, however, once the snow melts, they may become active again.

You can get rid of ground moles in the winter by keeping snow on the ground as long as possible.




These are some of the ways farmers kill moles in their garden naturally without buying anything.

It’s important to note that getting rid of ground moles naturally requires efforts, and may take longer to work than using chemicals and industrial repellents, or hiring a pest control agency.

However, It’s important that your pets and families are safer with natural mole control methods than using chemicals.